About AIML-2021
AIML ’21-International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is organised by the CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad Telangana between 23-24th July 2021. It aims to provide an expansive inclusion and sharing of current primary research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning among scientists, scholars, and specialists, from academia and industry. The theme of AIML ’21 is to identify the recent advances in artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. The conference further intends to publish unique, critical, and visionary papers in this field portraying recent scientific techniques and innovations.
The aim of this conference is to share the knowledge of participants an opportunity to discuss the recent developments in the field of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, its various applications and review challenges faced by the research forum in the 21st century. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists. The conference consists of contributed posters, invited oral and virtual presentations. Best papers will be judged and awarded for each technical session during the conference. Another goal of the conference is to attract researchers from all over the world to fulfilment of joint investigations and scientific collaboration.
CMR Technical campus, Hyderabad.
23rd-24th July 2021.

People Behind
Team behind this event

Sri C. Gopal Reddy
Chairman, CMRTC & Secretary CMR Group

Smt C. Vasanth Latha
Secretary, CMR Technical Campus

Dr. A. Raji Reddy
Director, CMR Technical Campus

Prof G Srikanth
HOD,ECE, CMR Technical Campus
General Chair

Prof Saikumar Tara
ECE CMR Technical Campus
Conference Chair
The aim of this conference is to share the knowledge of participants an opportunity to discuss the recent developments in the field of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, its various applications and review challenges faced by the research forum in the 21st century. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists.The conference consists of contributed posters, invited oral and virtual presentations. Best papers will be judged and awarded for each technical session during the conference. Another goal of the conference is to attract researchers from all over the world to fulfilment of joint investigations and scientific collaboration.
AIML ’21-International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is organised by the CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad Telangana between 23-24th July 2021. It aims to provide an expansive inclusion and sharing of current primary research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning among scientists, scholars, and specialists, from academia and industry.The theme of AIML ’21 is to identify the recent advances in artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. The conference further intends to publish unique, critical, and visionary papers in this field portraying recent scientific techniques and innovations.
will be updated soon
Event Schedule
Here is our event schedule
AIML 2021
Here are the important dates
Submission Date
27th March 2021
Acceptance Date
04th April 2021
Camera Ready Paper
30th April 2021
Call for Paper
1) Artificial Intelligence for Bioinformatics
2) Artificial Intelligence for Biotechnology
3) Artificial Intelligence for Signal, Image and Communications
4) AI for 5G Technologies
5) Video Surveillance and Analytics
6) Search heuristics
7) Robotics and Control
8) Machine Learning
9) Planning and scheduling tasks
10) Evolutionary Computation
11) Neural networks
12) Natural Language processing
13) Deep Learning
14) Distributed Intelligent Information Systems
15) Knowledge Management and Representation
16) Machine Learning and many more…
Register Now
FACULTY: 6000/-
Industry: 7500/-
Publication Partner
AIP (American Institute of Physics) which is under pipeline.

Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
CMR Technical Campus Auditorium, Hyderabad
CMR Technical Campus has set up a state of art auditorium with a 1200 seating Capacity in the year 2015. This centrally air-conditioned facility has an energy-efficient lighting system, aesthetic design, digital Audio, Video, and Visual systems. It is being used for hosting International/ National Events, Placement and Training activities, Award functions, Motivational talks, Cultural activities, and many more
Will update soon . If you want to sponsor us message us on clicking whatsapp icon in the left bottom corner.
Advisory Members
Dr S K Ramesh, Professor, CSU Northridge
Dr. Ceclia Shanaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh, Prof BUET.
Dr Lance CC Fung , Emeritus Professor, Murdoch Univeristy.
Dr. N C Shiva Prakash, Professor, IISC Bangalore
Dr. Anil Kumar V, Associate Professor, IIITH
Dr.G V V Sarma, Associate Professor, IITH
Dr A Rajini, Associate Professor, JNTUH
Dr Amitkumar, CEO, BioAxis
Dr K Ashoka Reddy Professor, KITSW
Dr S K Udgata, Professor, SCIS, UOH
Dr Salman Abdul Moiz Professor, UOH
Dr Sandeeep V, Asst Professor, BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
Dr Zakir Ali ,Professor, IITH.
Editorial Board
Prof G Srikanth, Professor, ECE, CMRTC
Prof Saikumar Tara, Associate Professor, ECE, CMRTC
Dr P Venkatakrishnan, Professor, ECE, CMRTC
Publicity Chair
Dr Suraya Mubeen, Professor
Dr Sudha Chandrika M P, Professor
Contact Us
Nihil officia ut sint molestiae tenetur.