The infrastructure available in the department facilitates students to develop their skill and knowledge within the framework of curriculum prescribed by the CMRTC.The department has the following well-equipped laboratories.
1.Engineering Physics Lab
2.Engineering Chemistry Lab
3.ELCS Lab (English Language Communiations Skills Lab)
4.AECS Lab (Advanced English Communiations Skills Lab)
Engineering Physics Laboratory is a Well furnished lab in 142.03 sq.m. A Dark room is provided where we explain diffraction,Laser,Newton’s Rings, Dispersive Power of Prism.Electrical Circuits related experiments such as R-C,L-C-R allow the students to know basic symbols of battery,Resistor, Capacitor,Inductor to the students in the research areas.
The Engineering Chemistry Laboratory has a wide range of equipment. The lab is aptly prepared to impart education in Chemistry in a neatly designed, spacious and well-ventilated laboratory with a capacity to accommodate 30 students. The lab is aesthetically designed with polished ceramics tiles, separate chemical store room.
It provides students with a practical approach towards the various techniques used in engineering application. Practical awareness is inculcated and students are trained both quantitatively and qualitatively during the lab sessions so that their understanding and problem solving abilities can be enhanced.
Major Equipment in Engineering Chemistry Lab are Digital Conductivity Meters, Redwood Viscometers, Electrical Balance, Distillation Unit, Digital pH Meters etc. digital potentio meter, stalgnometers, digital colorimeters. etc
English Language Communication Skills Laboratory is very important for today’s global society.Therefore we have established fully computerized language learning lab with K-Van solutions software,which provides material for CALL and ICS which are recoreded by proficient and expert trainers and teachers.This lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of language and familiarises the students with the use of English in everyday situations and contexts.
Strategic planning and development of a library is guided mainly by the goals and objectives of the institution of which the library is a part. Facilitate access to information for Knowledge, education, and learning. Library as the platform for social, economic, and cultural development of the target communities. Support research activities and Programs of the set-up by offering Proactive information services.
Engineering Chemistry Lab
Engineering Physics Lab