CMRTC follows guidelines of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad for internal evaluation and assessment procedure. Internal assessment in CMRTC is very much transparent that every student is aware of the standard internal assessment process of both theory & practical subjects.
I. Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)
For undergraduate programs, the institute conducts two mid-exams of 25 marks each, comprising ten marks for descriptive, ten marks for objective and five marks for the assignment. The average marks of both examinations are considered as final mid-marks. End semester examination is for 75 marks which are conducted by the university. For the post-graduate program, the institute conducts two mid-exams of 25 marks each as per university norms, and the end semester examination is for 75 marks which are conducted by the university.
After completion of the internal examination, the faculty evaluates the answer scripts and distribute to the students for doubt clarifications or re-correction. The faculty submits the re-corrected scripts to the examination branch and marks are displayed on the notice board and in CMS. For laboratory evaluation for undergraduate, the institution conducts two lab internals for 25 marks each. It is divided into ten marks for the written exam, and 15 marks are allotted for day-to-day performance in the laboratory. External lab-examination is conducted for 50 marks as per R-15 regulation and 75 marks as per R-16 regulation.
Project Work: Major project consists of 200 marks, of which the continuous internal assessment carry 40 marks while the end semester examination will carry 160 marks. Mini projects are mostly carried out at industries. The mini-project carries 50 marks. HOD shall constitute a project review committee (PRC) consisting of three to four senior faculty members. Students’ performance is also evaluated based on the following parameters: communication skills, use of modern tools (NPTEL, M-Tutor, V-labs), critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, ability to work in teams, and leadership qualities.
II. Mechanism of internal assessment
At the beginning of the semester, the question bank is given to the exam section, consisting of Long Answer Questions (LAQ) and Short Answer Question (SAQ), out of which 10% of questions will appear in the Mid-Term Exam. The questions for the exam are selected from the Question bank by the exam section and thus the question paper is prepared a day before the commencement of Exam, maintaining the confidentiality. The mid-term marks are divided as 20 marks for descriptive and objective examination and 5 marks Assignment test. The assignment is conducted periodically as planned by the respective HODs.
After every Mid-Term examination, the corrected answer scripts are distributed to students to know their performance and the same is discussed in the classrooms. All the subjects wise Marks are displayed in the notice boards and in the website. Before uploading the marks in the university site, the consolidated mark sheet is circulated among students for their clarifications if any. With respect to laboratory, marks obtained for individual experiments are awarded in their records and the same is entered in the faculty register also. Once all the experimentations are completed, the average marks obtained are calculated and the same is uploaded to the university and even displayed in the notice board.
The faculty mentors analyze the results of their respective students and summon the low performing students to understand the reasons behind the poor performance and accordingly they are motivated for improvement in upcoming examination to avoid failure in the subject. In laboratory, slow learners are permitted to improvise their marks by redoing the experiment if they have scored low.
III. Examination Related Grievances
CMRTC has the redressal mechanism for grievances regarding examination marks. It consists of The Director, Head of Departments (HODs), and In-charge of Examination. Students can apply for any issues in the evaluation of their answer scripts. It conducts a meeting to hear students’ concern and takes an appropriate decision which is binding on all.
At institute level:
The teacher distributes evaluated answer scripts to students, and any clarifications or grievances are addressed by the teacher. The internal marks are then displayed on notice board. If any discrepancy is noticed, the concerned teacher will resolve the discrepancy, and the necessary corrections will be made. If a student is not satisfied with the marks awarded even after resolved by the teacher, they may represent the same to The Director through the HOD concerned. All such representations are taken positively and are reassessed by another teacher if necessary.
Parents are informed about their ward’s performance through SMS and E-mail through the CMS system. Students are counselled by the faculty mentor, and remedial classes are conducted for students who have failed in the examinations. Students who remain absent for internal exams due to genuine reason can apply for the computer-based test conducted by the university.
At university level:
Students can express grievances by applying for the following evaluation procedure:
If the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can apply for re-counting within a week from the declaration of results through the examination branch at the institution. The results of re-counting will be announced as per the university norms.
Students can apply for re-evaluation of their answer scripts within a week from the declaration of results if they are not satisfied with their results. The results of re-evaluation will be announced as per the university norms.
Challenge Evaluation:
If the re-counting/re-evaluation results are not satisfactory, a student can apply for challenge evaluation within a week after the announcement of the results. The evaluation process is carried out in the presence of student by two subject experts; one represents from the institution and other from the university.