IT Infrastructure

IT Infrastructure

A well-designed IT infrastructure is not just an investment in technology, it’s an investment in the future of the institution. By integrating cutting-edge technologies, prioritizing cybersecurity, and fostering a culture of innovation, a technical institution can create an environment that empowers students and faculty to excel in their academic and research pursuits. CMRTC has an effective IT infrastructure by considering various aspects to support the academic, administrative, and research activities. The IT infrastructure at CMRTC has been widely distributed across 7 blocks, connecting them with a very high-speed robust fibre optic network of 1000 Mbps of internet bandwidth. The continuous upgradation of the IT infrastructure at CMRTC has been a strategic priority, aligning with the institution’s mission to be at the forefront of technological advancements and educational excellence. The Sophos XG-230 firewall version SFOS 19.5.3 is being used at CMRTC to provide an easy, effective way to manage and secure the connectivity in the campus. Connected all 1800+ Computers in the institute under single high-speed OFC wired LAN connectivity that provides high availability, flexibility, scalability and manageability.