Criterion IV – Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1 | 4.2 | 4.4 |
Key Indicator – 4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 | Institution has an IT policy covering Wi-Fi, cyber security, etc. and has allocated budget for updating its IT facilities: | ||||||||||||||||||
4.3.2 | Student – Computer ratio Number of Students: Number of Computers
| ||||||||||||||||||
4.3.3 | Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution and the number of students on campus: Options: A. ≥50 Mbps B. 35 Mbps – 50 Mbps C. 20 Mbps – 35 Mbps D. 5 Mbps – 20 Mbps E. <5 Mbps Option: | ||||||||||||||||||
4.3.4 | Institution has facilities for e-content development: Facilities available for e-content development: 1. Media Centre 2. Audio-Visual Centre 3. Lecture Capturing System (LCS) 4. Mixing equipments and software for editing Option: |