S.NoName of the CourseCourse CodeNumber of EnrolledNumber of CertifiedDetails
1Cloud Computingnoc22-cs8722375Enrolled List Certified List
2Data Science for Engineersnoc23-cs1712218Enrolled List Certified List
3Data Science for Engineersnoc22-cs724509Enrolled List Certified List
4English Language for Competitive Examsnoc23-hs521075584Enrolled List Certified List
5Introduction to Soft Computingnoc23-cs402811Enrolled List Certified List
6Social Networksnoc22-cs1212043Enrolled List Certified List
7Software Project Managementnoc22-cs10720715Enrolled List Certified List
8User-centric Computing for Human-Computer Interactionnoc23-cs2511742Enrolled List Certified List
S.NoName of the CourseCourse CodeNumber of EnrolledNumber of CertifiedDetails
1Big Data Computingnoc21-cs86310186Enrolled List Certified List
2Blockchain and Its Applicationsnoc22-cs4425960Enrolled List Certified List
3Embedded Systems Designnoc22-cs464930Enrolled List Certified List
4Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Thingsnoc21-cs66272Enrolled List Certified List
5Introduction to Internet of Thingsnoc21-cs63226113Enrolled List Certified List
6Introduction to Researchnoc21-ge1522560Enrolled List Certified List
7Rapid Manufacturingnoc21-me104145121Enrolled List Certified List
8Real Time Systemsnoc21-cs9829325Enrolled List Certified List
9Social Networksnoc21-cs7423596Enrolled List Certified List
10The Joy of Computing using Pythonnoc22-cs31326151Enrolled List Certified List
S.NoName of the CourseCourse CodeNumber of EnrolledNumber of CertifiedDetails
1Data Science for Engineersnoc20-cs723010Enrolled List Certified List
2Introduction to Machine Learningnoc20-cs736215Enrolled List Certified List
3Software Testingnoc20-cs77154Enrolled List Certified List
4Social Networksnoc20-cs78228121Enrolled List Certified List
5The Joy of Computing using Pythonnoc20-cs832024Enrolled List Certified List
6Big Data Computingnoc20-cs92297Enrolled List Certified List
7Google Cloud Computing Foundationsnoc20-cs96773Enrolled List Certified List
8Deep Learning IIT KGPnoc21-cs057014Enrolled List Certified List
9Data Science for Engineersnoc21-cs237614Enrolled List Certified List
10Reinforcement Learningnoc21-cs24944Enrolled List Certified List
S.NoName of the CourseCourse CodeNumber of EnrolledNumber of CertifiedDetails