About Program

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Indian Society for Technical Education


About ISTE

ISTE CHAPTER was established at CMR Technical Campus in 2012. The Chapter started with 130 staff members and continued till date with all the staff members as registered members. ISTE Student Chapter was established in 2014 at CMR Technical Campus to encourage the students and staff equally to become a member and take advantage of the various benefits of the Chapter. Every year the ISTE Student chapter of CMR Technical Campus conducts various events such as expert lectures, workshops, seminars, Industrial visits, etc. to assist staff and students for updating their technical knowledge.


  • Enhance Professional ideals and standards to improve academics.
  • Improve teaching methods and practices by an effective linkage between technical institutions, industry and society.


  • Enhancing the self-confidence and self-esteem of students.
  • Encouraging innovation and excellence in students through various means.
  • Promoting better career development opportunities and services for students.