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About the Department:

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CMR Technical campus was established in the year 2009 for imparting state-of-the-art and quality education, training and research in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied areas. The department offers a Bachelor’s program with an intake of 180 students per year and Master’s programs Embedded Systems With an intake of 18. Department Of ECE provisionally Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

Our Vision

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering endeavors to become a center of academic excellence and research

Our Mission:

  • To provide the students with the state of art technologies to meet the growing challenges of the industry and society.
  • To promote research and consultancy through constant interaction with the outside world.
  • To inculcate self-learning abilities, team spirit, and professional ethics among the students to serve the society
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
S.NO. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1Progress in professional career and higher education in Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied fields.
PEO2Demonstrate self learning skills, team spirit and professional ethics for beneficial development of the society.
PEO3Solve real life problems of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied fields resulting in significant societal benefit
Programme Outcomes(POs):

Graduates of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Programme will have the ability

S.NOProgramme Outcomes(POs):
PO1To apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering concepts in solving Complex Engineering problems.
PO2Identify, formulate, and solve complex problems to achieve demonstrated conclusions using mathematical principles and engineering sciences.
PO3To design solutions for complex engineering problems with appropriate consideration for society.
PO4To use research-based knowledge and research methods including the design of experiments to provide valid conclusions.
PO5To select and apply appropriate techniques for the design & analysis of systems using modern CAD tools.
PO6Apply the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, and cultural issues and endure the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7To understand that the solutions have to be provided taking the environmental issues and sustainability into consideration.
PO8Develop consciousness of professional, ethical, and social responsibilities as experts in the field of Engineering.
PO9To function effectively either as a member or a leader in multidisciplinary activities.
PO10To communicate effectively to both the peers and the others.
PO11To apply engineering & management principles in their own / team projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
PO12to Realize the need for lifelong learning and engage them to adopt technological change.
Department Advisory Committee (DAC)
1Prof. G.
2Dr. P.
3Dr. Pankaj
4Dr. Sudha ChandrikaAssociate
5Dr. Suraya MubeenAssociate
6Dr.Bandi DasAssociate
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):
S.NO. Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
PSO1An ability to understand the concepts of basic Electronics & Communication Engineering and to apply them to various areas like Signal processing, VLSI, Embedded systems, Communication Systems, Digital & Analog Devices.
PSO2An ability to solve complex Electronics and Communication Engineering problems, using latest hardware and software tools, along with analytical skills to arrive cost effective and appropriate solutions.
PSO3The Graduates will be Equipped with necessary soft skills, aptitude and technical skills to work in the core industry and IT sector as an individual or as a team member.
Program Assesment Committee (PAC)
1Prof. G.
2Mr. S.Mallesh NarayanAssistant
3Mr. D.SreekanthAssistant
4Mr. S.VenkateshAssistant
5Mr. A.Vamshidhar ReddyAssistant