The department has developed the complete infrastructure required for conducting regular theory classes and laboratories for practical’s related to B.Tech & M.Tech program. The department has spent a substantial amount for procuring useful software packages such as VHDL, XILINX, MATLAB, P-SPICE & KIEL software etc. Communication laboratory is quite well-equipped with seven microwave benches, Digital & Analog Communication trainer kits, storage oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer (500MHz) etc. With sufficient trainer kits and software packages in Microprocessor & Micro controller laboratories. The well-established Electronic Computer Aided Design (ECAD) laboratory facilitated in organizing a workshop on VLSI design. The following laboratories are established and are well equipped as per the curriculum requirements.

ECE Department has 13 well established Air-Conditioned Laboratories cater to the needs of UG as well as PG students.

List of Laboratories :

S.No.Name of the LabLab I/CRoom NoArea(Sq. mtr)
1Electronic Devices and Circuits LabMr. MD.Abdul Naqi31997.2
2Digital System Design LabDr. K. Mohana Lakshmi31897.2
3Basic Simulation LabMr. D. Sreekanth31770.5
4Electronic Circuit and Pulse Circuits LabMr. MD. Abdul Naqi31997.2
5IC Applications LabDr. K. Mohana Lakshmi32197.2
6Analog and Digital Communications LabMr. T. Nagarjuna31578.7
7Microprocessors & Microcontrollers LabMs. B Karunasree32970.5
8Data Communications and Networks LabMrs. M. Sravanthi317 A70.5
9Digital Signal Processing LabMr. D. Sreekanth31770.5
10e–CAD LabMrs. SK. Dilshad329 A70.5
11Microwave Engineering LabDr. K. Bharath Kumar321 A97.02
12Scripting languages LabMrs. M. Sravanthi317 A70.5
13Microcontroller & Programmable Digital Signal Processing LabDr. B. Doss329 & 31797.02
14System Design with Embedded Linux LabDr. Suraya Mubeen32970.5
15Advanced Digital Signal Processing labDr. P. Venkata Krishnan31770.5
16RTL Simulation and Synthesis with PLDs LabDr. V. Mahesh S329A70.5
18Analog and Digital Electronics Lab-IMs. G. Sravanthi32097.2
19Analog and Digital Electronics Lab-IIMr. A.Vamshidhar Reddy31897.2


Room number or Name  of classrooms/Seminar HallType of ICT facilityGeo Tagged Photo
Lecture Hall 318LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white ScreenView
Lecture Hall 319LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 320LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 322LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 336LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 337LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 338LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 343LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen
Lecture Hall 345LAN, Wi-Fi, Projector with white Screen