The department has qualified and well-experienced faculty with Post Graduate and Doctoral Degree in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. Faculty members are actively involved in research activities in the fields of their specialization. They have published a good number of research papers in International / National Journals and Conferences.

S.NoEmp IdName of the FacultyDesignationHighest Qualification
12072Dr K SrinivasProf. & Dean(FSA)Ph. D
22011Dr K MuraliAssoc. Prof & HODPh. D
32158Dr. Shankar Nayak BhukyaProfessorPh. D
42180Dr Kishore Kumar MAssoc. ProfPh. D
52115Dr A MahendarAssoc. ProfPh. D
62156Dr. Rafath SamrinAssoc. ProfPh. D
72181B Mohan BabuAssoc. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
82219P.N Santhosh KumarAssoc. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
92061B. RamjiAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
102146V SandhyaAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
112166A VeerenderAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
122173Sanjib Kumar NaikAsst. ProfM. Tech
132183B RameshAsst. ProfM. Tech
142225A.LakshmanAsst. ProfM. Tech
152234K.Sudha Pavani Asst. ProfM. Tech
162222K.Kishore KumarAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
172236J.ShivaAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
182230V.TejasawiAsst. ProfM. Tech
202245G V AshrithaAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
212247Yaragani Ashok KumarAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
222261Sangamtitra Asst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
232268J Rekha Asst. ProfM. Tech
242273E SushmaAsst. ProfM. Tech (Ph.D)
252274V. Prema TulasiAsst. ProfM. Tech
262279Sarala RaghavendraAsst. ProfM. Tech
272286N SoujanyaAsst. ProfM. Tech
282280Shafana BakshiAsst. ProfM. Tech
292282M LavanyaAsst. ProfM. Tech
302284B LaxmanAsst. ProfM. Tech
312249K Biksheswara RaoAsst. ProfM. Tech
322312K Jhansi RaniAsst. ProfM. Tech
332068M. Anusha ReddyAsst. ProfM. Tech
342313Ramesh BhukyaAsst. ProfM. Tech


1M SrivaniProgrammer
2Ms. Ashwini BulbuleProgrammer
3Mr Viswanath ChittimillahProgrammer