Dr. Srinivas Konda (CSE[DS] – HOD)
: +91 – 9866211103 | : hod.ds@cmrtc.ac.in
Srinivas Konda completed his B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Engineering, Mysore in1990, M.Tech in Software Engineering from Kakatiya University, Warangal in 2008 and Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTUH University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, in the year 2015. He has 23 years of experience in industry and teaching and served in various institutions. Presently he is working as professor of Computer Science and Engineering at CMR Technical Campus, Kandlakoya, Hyderabad. He has published four Books, 34 international journal and conference papers. He is member of many professional bodies. His research interests include fuzzy data mining, IOT, machine learning and artificial intelligence.