Mr.K.Harish Reddy (HOD)
Professor & SAC Chairman
: +91 – 9246848418
Mr.K.Harish Reddy, Head of MBA department, His Qualification is MHRM,LL.B. He has 19 years of Teaching Experience.
India has seen unprecedented economic growth over the past few years. To sustain it and emerge competitive globally, India is in dire need of quality managers with values. India needs business leaders who are creative, entrepreneurial and the ones who can drive it into new paradigms. In this context, we perceive that our college is unique in designing a teaching learning process which emphasizes on delivery, using different pedagogy like lecture, case discussions, mini-projects, guest lectures, industrial visits, internships and laboratory sessions.
The program is not just a certificate program, it is an experience that should teach the student-executives the importance of time-management, work-ethics, commitments, leadership, team building and decision making. An unique feature of the Department of MBA, CMR Technical Campus, is our emphasis not just on knowledge development, but also on personal, and social development. This integral and value based formation will impel our students to be innovative, competent and creative. They are groomed as agents of continuous improvement and change.
We at CMR Technical campus are actively involved in selecting the best aspiring students, giving them the right skills and knowledge, conducive environment, requisite academic freedom, right facilitations to exploit their hidden talents and creativity. The two years of experience that students undergo here, prepares them to think ‘out of the box’ and implement their ideas with maturity, confidence and utmost efficiency.
I welcome you to the Department of MBA, CMR Technical Campus.