About Centre


Industries all over the world are facing a huge scarcity of skilled manpower in the field of machine intelligence. Companies are short of skilled professionals in the field of image and video analytics, vehicle industry, data analytics etc. The whole spectrum of applications is waiting for new innovations and ideas by using the potential of the newly found technology called Deep Learning.

By looking into the vast scope and industry demand in the field of artificial intelligence and deep learning for the students, CMR Technical campus has taken an initiative to establish a centre of excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. The centre of excellence has been named as Knowledge Engineering and Deep Learning (KEDL). To establish the centre KEDL, CMR Technical Campus has been tied up with Bennett University, New Delhi. The Centre KEDL has been started in April 2018.

The Centre focuses on foundational AI, thematic areas such as language, speech and vision, and application verticals such as banking, business, crime, cybersecurity, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, image analytics, Video analytics, agriculture, climate studies, oil & gas, etc.

History of AI & Deep Learning

John McCarthy widely recognized as the father of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He has presented the definition of Artificial Intelligence in a conference at Dartmouth College Campus in 1956 for the first time. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. The applications of artificial intelligence are Machine Learning and Deep Learning that uses neural networks (NN).

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised manner from the data that is unstructured or unlabled. Also known as Deep Neural Learning or Deep Neural Network. Deep Learning was first coined by Geoffrey Hinton and referred as father of Deep Learning. He was one of the first researchers who demonstrated the use of generalized back propagation algorithm for training multi-layer neural nets.

To build the deep learning models for different AI applications various frameworks have been used. The various frameworks used are

  • TensorFlow
  • Caffe
  • The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
  • Keras

All the above frameworks can be easily interfaced with python. CNN and RNN deep learning models are frequently used to build the AI applications. The advantage of Deep learning models are that it can handle large Dataset and provides better results compared to the conventional neural network models.


  • To equip faculty members and students with the industry-driven artificial intelligence and deep-learning tools.
  • To actively engage students and industries to have better collaboration for the benefit of the society via student projects.



  • To Excel in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning tools and techniques.
  • To build a vibrant community of professors, researchers and students and solve real industry specific problems by applying AI and Deep Learning.
  • To Train and Outreach in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning through conducting workshops and seminars.
  • To develop Research based Entrepreneurship.
  • To establish the synergistic relationship with leading of industries and government for solving real life societal problems in a faster way.


