Grievance Redressal Committee

A Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the Institute that a student thinks, believes, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable.


  • To ensure that necessary actions should be prompted for better redressal of Grievance.
  • To make the redressal process fair, impartial, consistent, with prior warnings and commensurate with gravity of misconduct.

Grievance Redressal Procedure:

An aggrieved student/staff may make an application seeking redressal of grievance. The application should be in writing, duly signed by the applicant, giving full details of the applicant and of the grievance. Appropriate documentary proof in support of the grievance must also be submitted along with the application. On receipt of an application the Grievance Redressal Committee shall fix a date for hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the consent dept/section of the institute and the aggrieved person either in writing or electronically, as may be feasible. An aggrieved person may appear either in person or represented by such person as may be authorized to present his case. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall ensure speedy redress of grievance.

On the conclusion of proceedings, the Grievance Redressal Committee shall pass such order, with reasons for such order, as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide such relief as may be desirable to the affected party at issue. In case of any false / frivolous complaint, the Grievance Redressal Committee may order appropriate action against the complainant. The students/staff who are not satisfied with the decision of Grievance Redressal Committee communicated to them, may approach the Ombudsman for redressal of grievances.

Grievance Redressal Committee

1Dr. A. Raji ReddyMechanical EngineeringDirectorChairman
2Dr. S. VidyavathiProfessor of Civil Engg., JNTUH CEHProfessorMember
3Dr. M. Ahmed Ali BaigMechanical EngineeringProfessorMember