
MoU’s [Memorandum of Understanding]

The Department of CSE has tie-up with the following  Industries
S.NO Company /
YearActivities under each MoUDetails
1NSE Training Institute2023Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
2University of Silicon Andhra2023Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
3EduSkills2023Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
4Quantanics Techserv Pvt Ltd2022Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
5UNAcademy2022Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
6IBC Media2022Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
7ISDC2022Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
8Big Basket2022Smart Store DeploymentView
9Pantech e Learning2022Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
10Visual Path2022Educational ActivitiesView
11Crypto University2022Educational ActivitiesView
12Quantum Learnings2021Skill Development, Certified Courses, Internship and Outcome based TrainingsView
13L4G Solutions Pvt Ltd2021Implementation of AWS solutionsView
14Virtusa2021Employability ActivitiesView
15Collegedunia2021Digital Marketing ServicesView
16Artificial Intelligence Medical and Engineering Researchers Society2021For Research ActivitiesView
17Capgemini2021Employability Skills Development programView
18Orbit Shifters2020Research ActivitiesView
19RPG Foundation2019Employability Skills Development programView
20LINCOLN University, Malaysia2019For Research ActivitiesView
21Wipro-TalentNext 20192019Employability ActivitiesView
22Virtusa-Centre of Excellence on Java2019Employability ActivitiesView
23Cloud Chip Technologies2018Educational ActivitiesView
24YGK Education Pvt.Ltd.2018GRE/TOEFL/IELTS – Admission Counselling ServicesView
25IBM2017Career Education ProgramView
26Microsoft Innovation Centre Collabration Agreement2017View
27Pyramid Solutions2016Educational ActivitiesView
28International technological university2016For cooperation in the fields of student,faculty and staff scholorship exchangeView
29Rulepaper Acadamy2016Cloud computingView
30iKnowlation Reasearch labs pvt Ltd2016Research ActivitiesView
31Zensar technologies limited2015Software solutions and IT servicesView
32LACE2015CRT trainingView
33Kinect2015Windows 10 App development+MCA certificationView
34 Magni5 technology solutions pvt ltd2014View
35Coign edu and IT services pvt ltd2014Technology business incubatorView
36Softmerge2014computers,wireless data communicationView
37Conduria education & training services pvt ltd2014Quantitative ability,verbal ability,Logical reasoning,Soft skillsView
38 FACE2013Employability skill enhancement training for studentsView
39 Skyfi labs2013 Ornithopter workshopView
40 Bodhbridge Educational Services Pvt.Ltd.2013 Communication skills,Aptitude,Logical reasoningView
41 Fusion technologies2012Software development and application maintenanceView
42Insofe2012White belt program and Green belt programView